Beloved brothers, The veils are so thin that our souls meet in the flow of the solar rays, free to caress Gaia with the vibrant colors of universal love. Vibration is everything you are! In these days, today, tomorrow, Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, a "magic" dust of powerful codes, symbols, DNA activations, is spreading on the lives of the Star Seeds, who are beginning to see outlined the paths of their mission, so that by the summer (winter for the other hemisphere) may have created the foundations built on the rock of their spiritual depth. This year is a turning point from which there is no turning back, we repeat it once again, that is why it will be essential for all the Star Seeds to plant solid roots of their Heavenly project because it will be on those foundations that the constructions of the New Time will take place, they will be those foundations that will see the creation of structures in which to live in communion and brotherhood. These 5 days will be very powerful allow the release where it shows, flow into the feeling or emotion that manifests itself, without judging it, just smiling and thanking it, take back the Dream, the Soul Project, each of you know what is in your heart, "immerse" it in the Light of the harmonics of the Divine Resurrection that reanimates it with the vibrations of the Sacred Galactic Heart and be Joy that shapes the Breath Creator of the Dream. Allow yourselves to RESTORE in the Unconditional Love of the Consciousness living in you as a Spirit It's Time for Joy, beloved brothers, for IMMEDIATE JOY THAT HEARTS THE HEART OF MISERICRUDE AND WISE! Welcome to the Higher World of the Spirit, beloved brothers! #LOATH AND #ALKATH Pleiadian Guides
Channeller Alessandra Sambrotta
Source Erks Città di Luce
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