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Mother Mary's message from the stellar firmament of the cosmic rose "Lemurians of the new time"

"Lemurians of the new time" Mother Maria's message From the stellar firmament of the cosmic rose I AM

"Beloved little children, I look at you in this gaze of a Mother for her beloved children. You didn't go down there, to that dimension, to suffer. After that experience, the new Portal opens to everyone. This conception has led you to another dimensional scale, and I will eliminate that pain. I will find you in another phase of this Evolution and grant you the desire to become happier, in that part of the earthly sphere. These are not easy years, but they are light years that project you into a new creative complex for the collective. . I remember your first story on Earth. At that time, you produced your solar panels, cooked according to your magnetic culture and created your physical and quantum structures. They were skillful at the time. They brought well-defined divine traits. You have always created for the pleasure of your creative power and always connected with the Whole, with the Cosmic Family and with your representation on Earth. They were together, united and well defined, working on Earth. They were a lamb people, mild, kind, always eager to reunite the family. Of these memories they bear little and only a few have these active segments in the DNA line of the quantum body. These complex forms were designed to live long on Earth, so that they can evolve and have time to do so, without compromising the sacred space of the Earth. That knowledge has mobilized hundreds and hundreds of stellar fractions that have accompanied you in this dimension and have always adapted your purpose, in the context of the joint growth of the people of Earth. These Beings are no longer there, they are others who occupy the same place, but now they are much more attentive to your progress and with the expectation that you can get even more. Your progress depends on how you grow it on your creation soil. That DNA molecule is now at your disposal to reproduce it. It manifests itself in your Consciousness and contains the Code of Creation. They will be the new Lemurians of the New Time and I am very happy that it is so! This time, which now begins, constitutes your Divine Essence and brings you back to the Sacred. In this deposit I fill you with My Light, because it contains the Code of Creation. It represents the genesis of this metamorphosis in action. They will be reminded of how everything works and how this Union is possible! Our Peace gives you back your Mastery, so that you can make it your sovereignty. To connect you again to the name of the Father and again to the name of the Mother. They are loaded with Creation algorithms and bring the Word Master into the Heart. Only in this way will we advance this work and only in this way will we truly advance into the New Time. I leave you my affection as a loving mother for your children and I announce again a New Day to be accomplished. Your Union will make a difference in that group on Earth. Work miracles! Be a creator! Our light accompanies you. Amen. #Mother of the Star Firmament of the Cosmic Rose I AM in the profusion of Light with the Father. " Gratitude! Susana Duarte Antunes - April 06, 2020 Source Facebook: Projeto Aquário - Escola de Evolução da Consciência & Cura

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